One of its kind
This is a very famous effect of black seed. In colder countries, like Russia and Scandinavia, this liquid has grown very highly demanded, starting from the beginning of the 2000’s as people proved in practice that they get sick less in the winter time by using it.
According to El-Kadi and Kandil in 1986, Black Seed has positive effects on the immune system. Dr. Mohammed Ramsy, a professor of Wayne State University (USA), said: "The best thing for human health is to take black seed oil in the morning and in the evening, a teaspoon".
Many doctors of natural medicine assure that Nigella Sativa can be used as to promote health. This was confirmed by Dr. Mohammed Ramsy from Wayne Stete University (USA) in an interview in 2012 after a forum in Dagestan when he said: "By my research, I confirmed that the action of Nigella Sativa works ... My sincere advice is to take it every day for prolonged prevention, I use it by myself.” Dr. Axe, the famous American doctor of natural medicine, says on his site that black seed oil is one of its kind through a variety of mechanisms.
Over 200 university researches between 1959 and 2017 can attest to the real effects of black seed oil. Black seed oil has many common uses. We encourage you to research informative articles and studies of the many uses and benefits Nigella Sativa has to offer.